
Traps are often used in fictional settings to hinder or harm characters. They may be placed by protagonists or may be an obstacle protagonists must overcome. Traps are a commonly used game mechanic in game worlds and are often found in dungeons. In fictional worlds in general, traps may be a part of ancient temples, bandit camps, found in bunkers, or on treasure islands. Traps may ensnare, harm, hinder, or raise an alarm.
Traps include snares, pitfalls, falling objects, swinging blades, spikes, auto-turrets, lasers, explosives, magical binding circles, and many others. In fictional worlds often entire rooms act as large trap rooms. Traps may be triggered by pressure plate, tension wire, body heat, or other means. They may be part of an ancient automated system.
When designing traps for a fictional world, consider what devious creations could be constructed using the materials, technologies, and magics available.

There may be clues (newly scattered leaves, an old bloodstain, an oddly colored stone) that lets wary adventurers know to be careful. There may even be skeletal remains of previous unfortunate souls.