Temples are religious sites devoted to the practice of some belief or religion, or worship of some deity. Fictional temples may be peaceful places of tranquility or hum with the activity of a strong community or religious faction. In game-oriented worlds they may function as dungeons. In more fantastic worlds, evil temples may also exist, having been constructed in the service of evil gods. Fictional temples are often hidden, lost, ancient, or in ruins. Temples may be home to temple guards, monks, temple keepers, pilgrims, cultists, priests and priestesses, and oracles.
Synonyms: sanctuaries, houses or prayer |
Example Mythonyms: the Temple at Percelone, the Great Temple, Houses of Loc |
Designing Fictional Temples
When designing temples for your fictional world, first consider the religion, deity, or reason they were constructed. Temples will reflect these beliefs and the culture of those that built them. Temple architecture is often inspired by or reflects the values of those that built it and may be of religious significance. Temples may contain altars, statues, and relics also important to the faith.
Temples may be located within their own precinct, or collection of temple related buildings and structures. These precincts may contain reflecting pools, gardens, arboretums, pyres, and other locations.
Caution: While temples are commonly used in fictional worlds, real world temples are religiously and culturally significant locations. Care should be exercised in their use, particularly when using real world temples as the basis for fictional ones.