Hoverlanes are fictional routes through the skies of megacities or ecumenopolises that spacecraft, hovercars, or other fictional vehicles may use to move through a dense future metropolis. These hovering lanes of traffic may zip between tall buildings and megastructures (or through them), may descend into vertical shafts that lead to a city’s sublevels, or may run through underground tunnels below the city.
Synonyms: traffic corridors, sky corridors |
Example Mythonyms: Corridor One, Nimbus Street |
Designing Hoverlanes
When designing fictional hoverlanes, consider how they integrate into the layout of your fictional city. Like any transportation system, hoverlanes likely connect areas of high use (spaceports, government centers, office buildings, etc). If hover vehicles are a common mode of transportation in your fictional world, also consider how vehicle bays and landing pads are used in combination with hoverlanes.
Are your hover vehicles piloted by people or are they controlled by AI?