Granaries are storehouses for threshed wheat, corn, or other crops. A modern version of a granary may be a grain silo. Granaries are often positioned above the ground to protect their contents from rodents and floods. Granaries can be found in castles, towns, and on farms. They may be near windmills or watermills. The food they store for both people and animals can be critical during times of siege or famine. They are home to rats, giant rats, and people that don’t mind living with rats.

Synonyms: storehouses, rice barns, corn cribs, horreum |
Example Mythonyms: the Granary at Castle Black |

Designing Fictional Granaries
When designing granaries for fictional worlds, consider what they store. This may be an opportunity to develop a fictional plant. Also consider what types of animals may attempt to raid the granary. In narratives that include prolonged sieges, granaries may play important roles in the defense of a site and may be something invaders will attempt to destroy.