Banks are locations that deal in money. They may offer loans, a stable and safe place to store cash and valuables, or a tempting target for a heist depending on the fictional world. Fictional banks may may be run by a banking faction. They often contain vaults, safes, and security boxes. They are home to bank tellers, bankers, wealthy individuals, guards, bank robbers, and cat burglars.

Synonyms: reserves, countinghouses, treasuries |
Example Mythonyms: First Citizen’s, the Bank of Metropolis, the Iron Vault |

Designing Fictional Banks
Fictional banks are more than just places to store money; they’re narrative cornerstones in fantasy, science fiction and superhero worlds. Whether reflecting the power of a galactic empire or the desperation of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, fictional banks are used in narratives, for game economies, and as vectors for themes of greed, class warfare, and the importance of compound interest.
Fictional banks often have involved an security apparatus put in place to protect assets held at the bank. These may be security guards, cameras, sensors, traps, alarms, and other elements. The technological level of a world, as well as if it incorporates magic or other fantastic elements, will have a drastic impact on how these anti-theft measures operate. Worldbuilders may wish to develop anti-magic solutions.
Fictional banks often reside in imposing structures, reflecting their power and prestige. Think towering neoclassical facades with grand columns and ornately carved details. These edifices inspire awe and project an image of solidity and security – often used in stark contrast to the surrounding slums of a world or territory.
The Vault
No fictional bank is complete without a vault – a heavily fortified room, often located deep underground. Accessed by complex security measures (think laser grids, combination locks, and iris scanners), the vault represents the heart of the bank, safeguarding its most valuable assets and treasure. However, this secure space can also be a target for daring heists in narratives.