Subway Stations
Subway stations are areas (often underground) where people can enter or exit a subway system. At this sites passengers may find passage on subway cars to get to different locations within a city or other region. Subway stations are connected to each other via subway tunnels and maintenance tunnels. They connect to the surface via elevators, escalators, and stairwells. They may connect different portions of an underground city. They may be abandoned. Subway stations are home to weary travelers, musicians, and those that believe the end of the world is nigh.
Synonyms: subway stops |
Example Mythonyms: Mainstreet Station, Stop 5 |
Designing Fictional Subway Stations
Fictional subways systems are often used as a method of moving people across large fictional cities. In post-apocalyptic worlds they are frequently a site of danger, often infested with some type of threat. Subway systems are often used as a place between worlds, as they symbolize a transition.
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