Spell & Potion Components

Spell and potion components (synonyms: ingredients; mythonyms: powdered haghorn, tears of newt) are the constituent parts of a spell or a potion. While magical systems all differ and the manner in which magic functions in your world may operate under completely different means, often spells and potions require these components to be performed. Spells and potions may require physical ingredients such as fictional materials or plants. They may also require other components such as chants, hand gestures, or a celestial event to occur. Obtaining ingredients may require a quest and they may be rare and hard to find.

Plants & Herbs
- Garlic
- Sage
- St. John’s Wort
- Wormwood
- Witch Hazel
- Mugwort
- Blackthorn
- Roots
- Nettles
Deadly Plants
- Nightshade
- Hemlock
- Foxglove
- Lily of the Valley
- Sumac
- Oleander
- Deadly Nightcap
- Webcap
- Skullcap
- Chanterelle
- Fly Amanita
- Wood Ear
Animal Parts
- Scale
- Eye
- Bone
- Hair
- Talon
- Blood
- Horn
- Breath
- Tears
- Skin
- Hide
- Feather
- Brain
- Tail
- Fat
- Antler
- Egg
- Ash
- Sap
- Mud
- Charcoal
- Chalk
- Tar
- Thorn
- Bark
- Seeds
- Wax
- Black Powder
- Salt
- Lead
- Copper
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Gold
- Silver
- Sulfur
- Mercury
Spoken Words
- Chanting
- Spell
- Rhyme
- Hex
- Curse
- Ancient Language
Written/Drawn Symbols
- Spell Book
- Scroll
- Runes
- Diagrams
- Pentagram
- Magic Shapes
- Astrological Symbols
- Star Charts
- Ancient Language
- Special Numerology
Physical Actions
- Hand Gestures
- Arm Gestures
- Finger Gestures
- Stance
Toxins, Poisons, & Venoms
- Snake Venom
- Spider Venom
- Arsenic
- Atropine
- Strychnine
- Cyanide
Celestial Events
- Convergence
- Alignment
- Eclipse
- Sunlight
- Starlight
- Moonlight
- Water
- Oil
- Blood
- Sweat
- Crushed
- Dried
- Fresh
- Smoked
- Boiled
- Hot
- Frozen

Fracturing the Water component creates options like River Water, Stagnant Water, & Storm Water.

Placing two fingers on a temple would be an example of a hand gesture.