Flooded Chambers
Flooded chambers are rooms, cavern chambers, or other areas that are partially or entirely submerged. They may block passage entirely or may be traversable. Flooded chambers may be a network of connected areas, some of which may be unflooded or have air pockets trapped within them. They may be labyrinthian and contain dead ends. There may be rubble, flotsam, treasure, or other items in their depths. They may be home to a leviathan or other creature.
Synonyms: flooding rooms |
Example Mythonyms: the Sinking Ruins of Castle Angmar, the flooded cave |
Designing Flooded Chambers
Flooded chambers are a recurring motif in fictional worlds, particularly those that delve into sunken ruins, ancient temples, and subterranean caverns. The presence of water introduces hazards like drowning, treacherous currents, and encounters with aquatic life that may be less than pleased someone is nearby. Designers should consider both murky water and that which is crystal clear. Being unable to see what dwells within the depths and being able to see every detail are facets that can be used in different ways.