Boneyards are locations where there are many bones, fossils, skeletons or giant skeletons. Fictional boneyards may be sites where great beasts go to die, and there may be paths and trails leading through rib cages and skulls. These remains may be animals, massive monsters, or giant humans. Mammoths, dragons, and elephants are common skeletons to find in fictional boneyards.

Synonyms: animal graveyards, elephant graveyards |
Example Mythonyms: The Great Boneyard, the Bone Fields |

Designing Fictional Boneyards
When designing boneyards for your world, consider why such a large number of animal bones can be found in this single location. There may be danger nearby: a tar pit, a leviathan territory, or something else. If the boneyard is old, these may be the sites of an archeological dig site. Boneyards often have birds circling above.