A Train Heist!
Train heists are frequent quests or encounters in fictional narratives and game-oriented worlds. Characters may be acting as either those performing the heist or those defending the train. Often these events involve catching the train either by use of horses or other vehicles, then fights on the train roofs, within the train cars, and perhaps within the engine room. Disconnecting various train cars may be involved, as well as switching the train to another route.
While they are a frequent trope in wild west worlds, examples of train heists can be found in most world genres, from post-apocalyptic convoys to science fiction levitating trains. Consider how your own fictional version of trains or train-like vehicles could be used in heist encounters.
Synonyms: an ambush |
Events |
Designing Fictional Train Heists
The train track is a critical component of train heists, with cliffsides, train tunnels, and perilous bridges as common elements. Heists often occur in desert, badland, or mountain regions, though worldbuilders should consider other regions such as dense cities or arctic areas as well.