Torture Chambers
Torture chambers are locations where captives are held and subjected to extreme torture. They may be located within dungeons. They may include instruments of pain like iron maidens, hanging cages, racks, stockades, or creature pits. They may have dungeon cells and peepholes to the outside world. There may be escape routes or hidden tunnels dug by the prisoners. There may be skeletal remains and bloodstains. Torture chambers are home to guards, head torturers, prisoners, and executioners.
Synonyms: dungeons, houses of pain |
Example Mythonyms: the Black Dungeons, the Pit of Pain |
Designing Fictional Torture Chambers
Fictional torture chambers are full of perverse and creative instruments of pain. These include racks, iron maidens, thumbscrews, brazen bulls, and other torture devices. Narratively, many torture chambers are concerned less with the actual torture of individuals, but more with how these individuals can make a daring escape.