
Waterfalls are commonly used in worldbuilding as additional elements for rivers, towns, secluded pools, and more. Waterfalls may be aboveground or below it as a part of an underground river. They are often found at world’s end. Waterfalls in fictional worlds often are found near high cliffs and have hidden cave systems behind them. In arctic regions or during cold weather, waterfalls may become frozen waterfalls.

There are many different types of waterfalls and some thought about which class of waterfall yours may be should be considered during design. Some may be multiple types.
- Plunge: The water in plunge waterfalls descends vertically through open air without contacting the adjacent cliffs.
- Horsetail: A narrow falls that maintains much contact with the rockface behind it.
- Cataract: An extremely wide and powerful waterfall.
- Multistep: A waterfall that descends in a series of steps, each with its’ own plunge pool.
- Ephemeral: These waterfall only exist after a hard rain or large snowmelt and are otherwise dry cliffs.
Waterfalls often have plunge pools – deep water-filled depressions or lakes at their bottom where the riverbed has been eroded away by the force of the falls. Plunge pools offer a chance to include hidden and submerged elements such as underwater ruins or shipwrecks.