In some worlds water may be abundant, while in others it may be the scarcest resource of all. Regardless, fresh water is critical for any population, and the inhabitants of your world (unless they are something other than human) must have access to it in some manner or another. If your world occurs in the modern or future eras, it is likely that fresh water can be piped in from distant sources (though in the case of remote habitation, such as desert sites or asteroid colonies, water may need to be transported to that location via vehicle). If your world occurs in earlier time periods or their equivalents, wells and/or aqueducts may be common. Below are some possibilities for how inhabitants may access and store water.

- Aqueduct
- Canal
- Lake
- Moisture Farm
- Oasis
- Piping
- Recycling Existing Water
- River or Stream
- Spring
- Vehicle Transportation
- Well
- Ice
- Reservoir
- Water Tank
- Water Tower

Is water in your world scarce or plentiful? If scarce, what occurs if the source is depleted or interrupted?